Thursday 19 May 2016


The Virgo zodiac sign in love...


Virgos tend to be very analytical. This means they often thrive in the business world, but not as much in the world of romance. This is because they tend to analyze every detail of a potential partner's behavior. On the outside they appear to be calm and completely together, but on the inside, their thoughts are often zipping around their brain at the speed of light.
This may be mistaken for disinterest to a potential mate. Therefore the first thing a Virgo woman who is looking for love needs to remember is to focus. If your date is talking to you about his the things he's passionate about, and the whole time, your mind is asking you questions like "Would we really be compatible?" and "Why does he eat his peas one at a time?, chances are this date is not going to go well. Calm your mind. Look your date directly in the eye and focus.
Another common characteristic of the Virgo woman – one that is inherently in conflict with her analytical side – is that she is a hopeless romantic. She fantasizes about the moment that she will see her soul mate across a crowded room. A lilting ballad begins to play in her mind as they float toward each other in oblivious bliss. Then, of course, the song skips and those annoying questions start roaring through her brain again, completely spoiling the moment.

To sum up the Virgo man in a single word, it would be "practical." He sees things as they are, with no sugar coating. Virgo is a down-to-earth, hard-working guy who sees no need for unnecessary outpourings of emotion. When he has strong feelings about something, he usually keeps them to himself. Likewise, he tends to prefer the company of others who are similarly reserved.
This doesn't mean that Virgo can't form strong attachments. He can, but does so slowly and carefully. It usually takes him a while to fall in love. But once he's truly smitten, he's in it for the long haul. Once the Virgo male has committed to a relationship, he is forever loving, patient and supportive.
The Virgo man is usually highly intelligent and appreciates and admires this quality in a potential mate. He's actually a male who will love you for your mind. On the negative side, Virgo can be intensely critical and territorial. Once he learns to completely trust a lover, he's dedicated, caring and faithful.
The Virgo man has simple, yet specific tastes in mates. He has little use for loud, rude people and is rarely attracted to "bimbos" when it comes to serious relationships. He's attracted to women who dress fashionably, yet conservatively, and who know how to think and reason. He has no time for silliness or insincerity. To catch his eye, be polite, sincere and soft spoken. Let him know that you're interested, but do so subtly. If you shower him with too much attention too soon, you'll scare him away.
The Virgo male is willing to give his all in a relationship, but he expects the same from his partner. Virgo is somewhat of a "neat freak," so make sure your appearance is tidy. Keep a neat home, and never give him any reason to mistrust you. Virgos generally are not the breakup and make-up type. Once he's done with a lover, he's done, and no amount of tears on your part will convince him to give it another try.
Stay tuned for more zodiac signs in love!

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