Tuesday 10 May 2016


Most people like to say "just go with it'...but I beg to differ when it comes to relationships...

If you can't see any certainty now, you'll still not see any in the nearest future, until you realize you've made a mistake.
Its true that you can't choose who to love, after all, the heart wants what the heart wants. You can't control love, but what you can control is "you". In a relationship, you have to have a clear understanding of what you want, what you need, and where you want to go with it...don't just go with it...
Going in to a relationship with clear uncertainties is like hoping on an airplane without knowing where its heading to and still hope you will end up in your desired destination...chances are that you will definitely end up in the wrong place!

If you are getting close to someone and wish to take things further, but it appears that he/she is headed in a direction that is not where you want to go and they are not willing to change course, you need to halt with taking things further before you waste years of your life only to wake up one morning and realize that you've landed in the wrong place...with the wrong person.

Would you rather have a short-lived happiness, than a life-time of joy?
Forget the now, if its clear that there's no future for you two...you might be happy now, but think of the long road ahead...the roads might seem straight now but what about the rocky patches ahead, can you keep up? Think of all the heartbreak you're going to feel when you finally accept that it won't work between you...

Usually, when we fall in love, our sense of judgement is usually clouded so much that we miss the very obvious signs of incompatibility. its right there in black and white, we don't see it  but there's always that voice at the back of your head with all the warnings...and yes, its usually ignored!

For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.

On this note, don't just go with it, look before you leap...

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